The Verwood and District Horticultural Society is affiliated to :
The Royal Horticultural Society
The Dorset Federation of Horticultural Societies
About Us
The Society's members join us from Verwood and surrounding areas - Woodlands, Three Legged Cross, Cranborne, Edmondsham and West Moors. However, we welcome anyone with an interest in gardening!
Our friendly members are varied - some have an extensive knowledge of plants and gardening, whereas others are not so green-fingered but enjoy the appreciation of flowers, visiting gardens and meeting others. We also welcome beginners to gardening - those who want to learn how to get more out of their green spaces!
We meet on a monthly basis at the Verwood Memorial Hall for a talk, refreshments and a raffle. We hold annual shows, a plant sale and enjoy a summer social. We also plan visits to gardens, both local and nationwide.
*NEW FOR 2024*
We hold a "Bloom of the Month" competition - bring your bloom and display at our monthly meetings. One of our members will be selected to judge and award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. A monthly trophy will be awarded, and points will be aggregated over the year to find our Annual Prize Winner!
Your gardening questions can be submitted at each meeting. The following month we will open it up to the group to answer!