A Message from our President
"As a long standing Society in Verwood, we have had good times as well as not so good following the lockdown situation over the past few years.
However, we look forward to the future with a new Chairman and invigorated Committee! New members will be welcomed with open arms particularly those of the younger residents of Verwood and its outlying districts. We are, after all, the Verwood and District Horticultural Society!
The Society was started originally after WW2 and evolved through the years into a thriving group which encouraged participation in evening talks and three shows a year, enabling keen gardeners to show their produce and crafts and compete against others, as well as those less well motivated but nevertheless keen on supporting the Society.
In the early days, children of all ages were encouraged to grow and show their own efforts (suitably assisted by parents) and the show benches were full. But over the years, regrettably, other interests have taken over which has led to a decline in children's interest in our shows. If you are a parent and would like to get your little ones off their devices, here is your opportunity and motivation. There is nothing wrong with dirty hands!
We appreciate that "baby sitting" in the evening could be a problem for joining our monthly meetings, but the shows are always on a weekend daytime. Keep an eye out in the local press, and on social media for appropriate Saturday dates and enjoy homemade cakes on sale at the end of a tour of our show benches. If you submit an entry, you never know; a cup or a certificate could be in your hands at the end of the day to flash at the school gates!
I must not forget those whose children have fledged the nest and who might be looking for hobbies to fill the vacuum. If you need any help to make up your mind, please contact the Chairman, Ollie Greensmith, or any Committee member. If you would like to see a Show Schedule or talks programme, just have a further browse of the website or ask the Chairman for a paper copy!
Our Horticultural Society exists for its members to share a great common interest, hopefully learn a little more, 'have a go' and, above all else, have fun!
Ron Johnstone
March 2023